Study Trends
If you are planning to study aborad, check out our comprehensive statistics and data to help you become familiar with the latest study trends and developments
Number of Students Studying in Different Countries
Total number of foreign students – 619,119
Number of Indian Students – 100,310
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – A$18 billion ($17.6 billion)
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Management, Commerce
Total number of foreign students – 178,000
Number of Indian Students – 100,000
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – $6.5 billion
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Business Management, Medicine, Engineering
Total number of foreign students – 278,213
Number of Indian Students – 2,000
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – $0.19 billion to $0.4 billion
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Information Technology, Tourism and Hopitality Management
Total number of foreign students – 202,970
Number of Indian Students – 104,897
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – $20 billion
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Engineering, Computer Sciences, Business and Management
United Kingdom
Total number of foreign students – 362,000
Number of Indian Students – 42,000
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – $19.2 billion
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Business and Administrative Studies, Engineering and Technology
Total number of foreign students – 94,000
Number of Indian Students – About 10 Percent
Contribution to the economy by foreign students each year – S2.1 billion to $3.12 billion
Most popular courses amoung foreign students – Engineering, Business Management
10 Most Affordable Cities for Students
The Taiwanese capital gets its strong affordability due to relatively low international tuition fees (an average of US$3,800) combined with reasonably low living costs. Taipei is still not exactly the cheapest place in the world live – but if you want world-class universities and an exciting culture, then this is the place to be.
Similar to Taipei, Mexico City has eight internationally ranked universities, at which fees for international students are just a little higher – an average of US$4,000 annually. Moreover, overall living costs are likely to be a little lower, especially when it comes to accommodation.
Germany is one of the world’s most popular study destinations – now accommodating more international students than any nation other than the US and UK. Public universities in Berlin offer education free of charge, for both local and international students. Berlin’s general cost of living is also much lower than one might expect.
Next city is the culturally rich capital of Germany’s southeastern neighbor Austria. Higher education in Austria is free for EU students, with very modest fees charged to those from non-EU countries. Based on the two internationally ranked universities in Vienna, you can expect to pay around US$500 per year. Living costs may seem to be a little higher though.
Osaka constitutes a more affordable alternative to the likes of Tokyo and Kyoto. This also applies to tuition fees; at internationally ranked universities in Osaka, international students are charged an average of US$5,000 per year, compared to $7,700 in Tokyo or $9,000 in Kyoto. accommodation.
As the home of Spain’s two highest-ranked universities, Barcelona beats Madrid in the overall Best Student Cities index, but it scores one point lower in the affordability category. Compared to Madrid the average tuition fees here are a little higher, international students are charged an average of US$2,500 annually.
Chile’s cool and cultured capital city Santiago is in this list, largely thanks to relatively low living expenses. This offsets the fact that tuition fees are slightly higher than those encountered at most of the other cities listed here; at the five internationally ranked universities in Santiago, international fees are an average US$7,500 per year.
This historic capital of Czech Republic offers even lower living costs than Santiago. At the city’s three internationally ranked universities, international fees amount to an average US$7,000 per year – not a small amount, but certainly at the affordable end of the spectrum when viewed in the context of fees charged in many of the world’s most popular study destinations.
Top 50 universities worldwide

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts, United States

University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom

Havard University
Cambridge, United States

University of Oxford
Cambridge, United States

University of Chicago
Chicago, United State

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, United States

Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, United States

University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Cornell University
New York, United States

McGill University
Montreal, Canada

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, United States

Australian National University
Canberra, Australia

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, United States

University of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom

University of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom

University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

University of Melbourne
Parkville, Australia

Ecole polytechnique
Palaiseau, France

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, United States

Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Ave, Singapore

New York University
New York, United States

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

Heidelberg University
Heidelberg, Germany

UCL (University College London)
London, United Kingdom

Stanford University
Stanford, United States

California Institute of Technology (CALTECH)
Pasadena, United States

Princeton University
Princeton, United States

Yale University
New Haven, United States

TH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland

Columbia University
New York, United States

Kings College London
London, United Kingdom

Lausanne, Switzerland

University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

National University of Singapore
Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore

Ecole normale supérieure, Paris
Paris, France

Duke University
Durham, United States

The University of Hong Kong
Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong

The University of Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom

University of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom

Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea

Northwestern University
Evanston, United States

Kyoto University
Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

University of Sydney
New South Wales, Australia

The University of Manchester
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong

University of Wisconsin Madison
Cambridge, United Kingdom

The University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD, Australia

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong